Two words. (I so badly wanted to turn the beginning of this into a new verse of Kanye West's song Two Words, but those creative juices weren't flowing tonight.) Patience. Epitome. These two words will be my guides for ‘25. I will have goals and other things motivating me throughout the year, but these two words cover any and everything I might decide to pursue this upcoming year. I didn’t plan on having two words for the new year–I originally was only going with patience, but over the last couple of days epitome kept coming back to me; I have told a few close friends about “epitome” before but I didn’t expect to make the meaning behind that word public. Let’s start with "patience"… A couple of weeks ago, I shared a critical revelation that I had recently had–the Note was called “the overnight success that took ten years to build,” I encourage you to revisit that Note as a refresher, but long story short, I realized that I am not ready in many ways to be the future version of my Self—the one I’m so excited to be–right now. I have time to grow into that version of me, continue to learn about the authentic life, perfect my message, and get to a point in life where Ang and I have more freedom to travel as I have the opportunities to speak and help people discover their authentic Self and lives. With this new understanding and removal of pressure to “blow up” for lack of a better term, I can wake up each day and enjoy the process—enjoy the Pursuit. I can be patient and allow everything to unfold exactly as it is supposed to, when it is supposed to. Patience in allowing everything to fall into place—as Paulo Coehlo writes in The Alchemist, “Maktub”. Another area patience will guide me in ‘25 is my personal life, specifically as a dad. I have three amazing boys with so much potential, and I know they are destined for great things–I can see and feel it. Despite knowing how special they are and being so very proud of them, I find my Self with less and less patience with them as they do things that 14, 12, and 7-year-olds do. It’s silly things, too. Picking on each other, not listening, talking back, etc.---all of the dumb things I probably did when I was their age, yet I sometimes expect them to understand what I understand now (but didn’t then) because I want them to have an advantage over me and the significant advantages I had growing up. The more I read about why people struggle to find their authentic lives, everything pretty much goes back to childhood trauma, often unknowingly inflicted on them by their parents. And because I know this, I want to have more patience so I cause as minimal childhood trauma as possible—I don’t want to stand in the way of them and their authentic life because I get frustrated with how they treat each other sometimes as teenagers. Funny how the Universe can be sometimes…as I am writing this Note and this particular part about being more patient with the boys, Roman comes in from the other hotel room and begins messing with Silas—couldn’t have timed it any better, lol. So “patience” will remind me to enjoy this next year (and beyond) as I evolve into the future version of my Self I am excited to experience—patience will also allow me to be more present during this period of growth as well. Patience will also help me be a better parent, have stronger and closer relationships with the boys, and hopefully help them live their authentic lives sooner; it’ll also save me a lot of stress and beating my Self up for the times I allow frustration to get the best of me. Now for “epitome”… I will be the epitome of the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money. If I’m going to talk about it, I need to be about it—I need to be the example of what I believe to be one of the most essential alignments to be found. And I need to do it for my Self. I maintain my alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money, but I do so within a range or band—thing alignment +/- some sort of alignment measurement. As long as I stay within the range, I’m good, and as soon as I begin to notice I’m outside of the range, I dial back in my practices. This works and actually works well, but it’s time for me to always be dialed in—always doing my practices that help me maintain my alignment. I know I need to be deeply connected to the Universe and aligned to head to where I am patiently waiting to go—what has worked this last year (the range) won’t work for where I’m going. So the first reason I want to be the epitome of the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money is for ME. But secondarily, and still very important, I want anyone who sees me to know that I am living what I’m sharing. I don’t think I need to make it something that I’m always documenting—I don’t think you want to see me meditating, doing yoga, writing, etc; there might be a time for those types of posts and maybe some other subtle ways to show that I’m doing the work, but I think doing it for the ‘gram takes away the purpose because it’s no longer about me first. Instead, I want my energy to let people know that I’m aligned and operating at a high frequency when I see them. I want you to see me returning from a morning meditation or workout at a conference. I want you to see me eating healthy and clean at an event. I want you to see me exhibiting love because I’m so aligned that I’m at the higher level of consciousness I seek. By authentically living my alignment, I will share the message I hope others will take from it—I’ll be the epitome of someone living an authentic life led by an alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money. So those are my two words for the new year and a little about why I chose them to help me experience another tremendous year; I hope you can find a word or two to help you this year as well. JC |
I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.
"Patience" might be one of my guiding words for ‘25, but I can’t help but feel the lyrics of this Kendrick Lamar song; I randomly chose it to be the background music to a video I posted yesterday of two bald eagles I saw on my way home from getting a hair cut—the Universe decided to show me loudly that this year was going to be a great one and that I’m heading in the right direction… “keep pursuing” the Universe said. The song “Now or Never” is off of Kendrick’s Good Kid Mad City album and is...
“Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sunThree little birds pitch by my doorstepSinging sweet songs of melodies pure and trueSaying, "This is my message to you-ou-ou" Singing, "Don't worry about a thing'Cause every little thing gonna be alright"Singing, "Don't worry about a thing" (Don't worry)"'Cause every little thing gonna be alright.” - Bob Marley On our drive to the resort we were staying at in Jamaica, our driver shared how most Jamaicans view Bob Marley not as a national...
This morning, I finally read an email from a close friend announcing a major milestone for his business. I’ve had the opportunity to sit back and watch him build–and build, being a great example of someone living his authentic life; I can’t wait to have him on LifeDesign+ to share his story. At the end of my response to him, I told him I was excited for him and loved him. Society has taught men to say everything but those words to each other, and it has only been within the last year that...