
This morning, I was thinking about the two bald eagles I saw on Friday, and I can’t help but believe that most people driving along 116th St. in Fishers did not see the two massive birds hanging out and flying around.

I could have missed seeing them had I been distracted by my phone, other thoughts, or even changing songs on the radio.

There is no shortage of distractions today, which might keep you from receiving important messages from the Universe—you might be missing your bald eagles because you aren’t paying attention.

Not only might distractions keep you from receiving messages, but they can also be getting in the way of you getting connected with your Self; spending time on social media, getting pulled into media headlines, or participating in gossip all keep you from spending time with your Self—time which will help you get closer to your authentic life.

You don’t need to give those distractions up in totality, but reducing the distracted time will give you the time and space to connect to the things that matter most as you pursue your authentic life. The more you experience moments like I did Friday, the more you’ll want to make sure you reduce the distractions in your life and become more in tune with the Universe.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

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