when your heart and thinking mind conflict

In time, I’ll share more about the last few months in my Pursuit, during which I was presented with an amazing a perfect situation for my Self professionally.

It checked every box I could ask for: great people, aligned values, a succession plan for RLS Wealth (should something happen to me), opportunity for growth, being a part of a team, the freedom to create, and the list could go on and on. But as I got closer to making a decision, only one thing kept me from continuing my Pursuit with a new group of colleagues…

My heart.

Despite the perfection of the opportunity, my heart was telling me it was not the right time and that my continued independence (like some of those individuals I mentioned in a previous Note) was most important for me right now. I can’t explain to you what that feeling feels like, but I know it when I feel it--maybe you know that feeling too.

Being able to tap into the feeling of my heart wasn’t necessarily easy because my thinking mind and thoughts of what could be would overwhelm me and take over my emotions. My mind was telling me yes and for reasons that were not wrong; at times, it was hard to tell where my thinking mind (my thoughts) ended and my heart began. But, because I’ve been in tune with my heart’s messages for so long, although I admittedly have not always followed its guidance, I eventually separated my heart from my mind. Ultimately, I had to listen to my heart (and some omens from The Universe confirming my feelings) as to what path I should continue because it knows what I’m supposed to pursue, even if I’m not fully aware.

It's important to note that even though I had my heart guiding me, it was still a very tough decision to make, and it wasn't without some disappointment of not knowing if the visions I had of what could be will ever have a chance to manifest--who knows what the future holds, but what I saw as a possibility was very exciting.

As I mentioned, I will have much more to share from this experience because I learned a lot about my Self, gained more confidence in my ability to listen to my inner guidance system (my heart), and trusted my Self to make the right decision.

I think some of these lessons and even some of the actual experiences may be helpful to you as you pursue your authentic life. But first, I need some time to process, focus on the path I’m on, and reflect on everything so that I can see all of the lessons, even ones I may not have initially picked up on, with the benefit of hindsight and share them with you.

For now, I leave you with encouragement to continue learning how to differentiate communication between your heart and your thinking mind.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

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