I had a simple idea last night. To live your authentic life, you just need to be your authentic Self. While it is exciting to think about a more authentic life and all of the good that will come with it, there is no way of knowing if the details of the authentic life you envision are what you will actually experience. There’s a chance that by fixating your attention on the details of the life you are pursuing, you may miss paths to a life more true to your authentic Self. But if you focus on living true to your Self and being the most authentic version of it each day, your authentic life will unfold as it should. This doesn’t mean you don’t think about what your future Self might be like—who you would like to become, because I do believe in the law of attraction and manifestation, but the majority of your effort should be on going inward and connecting with your Self, finding the confidence to bring that version out, and continuing to be true to your authentic Self. This sounds easy, but I’ve found that it’s not. Most people might only know a fraction of their authentic Self and struggle with finding the confidence to share even that fraction with the world. The work that needs to be done in order to walk the path of your authentic life begins with truly understanding who you are and meeting your authentic Self. 🎧 Listen to today's Note on the LifeDesign+ podcast. See you tomorrow and keep pursuing, JC |
I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.
“Creativity is the key that unlocks the door of your soul and displays your creativeness for the whole world to enjoy.” – Remez Sasson How are you expressing your creativity? 🎧 Listen to today's Note on the LifeDesign+ podcast. See you tomorrow and keep pursuing, JC
“Freedom is the only worth goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.” - Epictetus Over the last couple of years I’ve learned how important my freedom is–it’s been an essential consideration in some major decisions I’ve made and it will always be. For me, freedom is the ability to do things the way I feel is best; the ability to experiment and explore different versions of my Self; the ability to structure my life so I can be present with my family and still...
“The more I practice, the luckier I get.” - Gary Player Whether it’s practice or doing the things aligned with your authentic life, “luck” will find its way to you. And when it does, you will know it is anything but luck because you understand all of the hard work, belief, visualization, and focus are what created this “luck”--it’s only luck to those on the outside. When you are aligned, connected with your Self, and moving in the direction of your authentic life doors magically open,...